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Free Dental Care in California

01/11/15 6:14 AM

Question: I am poor an can not afford dental care but I know I have cavities. Where can I go for free dental care.

Answer: Sadly not to many places offer free dental care.  However you do have a few options. Go to the America Dental Association website and see if they have any programs for free dental care.  This happens often in the month of February, since February is oral health care month.

See if there are any dental schools and or clinics. These places will often provide lower cost dental care and adjust payments to what you can afford.

You may also want to think about getting a low cost dental HMO insurance plan. You can find these types of insurance plans can be as low as $7.95 a month, yet they still provider dental care at a much lower cost then not having any dental insurance in place.

Posted on 01/11/15 6:14 AM | by California Dental | in California Dental Insurance | Comments Off on Free Dental Care in California

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